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This page describes time recording and management in Evox. The relevant controls are located under the “Time” tab.

Time tracking

In Evox there are multiple ways to tack your work time. To find them, navigate to the “Tracking” sub-tab under “Time”.

Time tracking tab

Time tracker

The time tracker is a simple tool for recording work time, comparable to a stopwatch, or attendance clock.

When arriving at work, simply click “Start” to begin tracking your work day. Upon departure, click “finish” to stop tracking and save a record to the database. Saved records can still be edited after-the-fact, by clicking them in the “recorded times” list below.

Time tracker, running

Manually enter a time record

Time records can also be added manually for any date. To do so, either click the ‘Add time record’ button, or press one of the “+” buttons for a date in the “Recorded times” list.

Time record editor

Time records can be entered in two different ways:

  • “Start - End” mode: Specify the times when you started and ended working.
  • “Duration” mode: Enter the number of hours or minutes you worked on a given date.

Auto-filling time for a month

Evox can automatically fill in time records for a whole month at a time, based on expected work time from week plans. To do so, click the “Auto-fill month” button right above the list of recorded times.

The auto-filling feature will not fill in time records for dates that

  • already contain time records,
  • coincide with a public or custom holiday, or
  • match a vacation stored in Evox.

Time recordings

In the lower part of the time tracking tab, a list shows already filled in time records. Furthermore, it computes their difference compared to expected work times based on week plans. The final difference incorporates into a person’s flextime balance at the end of the month, once their time sheet gets approved.

Time record list

Click right-hand caret to show time records for a particular date. In order to edit one of the listed time records, simply click it to reveal the editor.

Note that the date list uses purple dates to visually distinguish weekend days, and adds a gray background to days where no work is expected (weekends, holidays, etc.). Holidays and a person’s vacation days are indicated by purple and green chips, respectively.

Sending time sheets for review

At the end of a month, time sheets can be sent for review by managers. First, make sure that all time records for that month have been filled out accurately. Then, click the “Send all for review” button located above the recorded times list. This will send all records (that have not been approved before) to your relevant manager(s), and inform them by email.

Time recording review

On the “Time” page, there’s another sub-tab “Review”, listing time sheets to be inspected by people managers.

Time reviews tab

Here, Evox automatically calculates the expected work and difference compared to what is expected based on week plans. To reveal more details about a time sheet, click the toggle button next to “Show time records”.

Time sheet to review, with details

Click “Approve” or “Reject” to resolve a time sheet review. In case of approval, Evox will automatically adjust the flextime balance of that person.