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Getting Started

Welcome to Evox!

There are two ways Evox can be used: Through our web app, and through our Android or iOS mobile apps.

Logging in for the first time

When your account was created, you received an email containing an 8-digit code made of letters and numbers. On the Evox login view, click “I have a token” to open a form where you can enter that code.

Entering reset code

Click “Check” to verify the code is correct. If so, enter your new password in both fields, then click “Set new password” to save it.

Entering a new password

Once the password has been stored, return to the login screen to sign in using your email address and the password you just set.

Tip: If you lost your password reset token, or didn’t receive any, contact one your company’s Evox administrators, they can generate a new one for you.