Like in every release we list important changes in the release notes, here is the list of items that changed with this release.
- We have introduced the concept of the free trial to our platform, from now on, one can easily try out Evox!
- We started to use Swagger to document our REST APIs, here is the URL to access our documentation: api.evox.work/docs
- We have improved our caching capabilities to improve performance.
- We have moved our servers to increase performance.
User experience
Weekly templates are generated based on the subsidiary.
Changed the format of our export files, now it should be easier to work with them.
Users can change their password within the platform, no need to go over the token mechanism anymore.
Auto-fill button is no longer enabled when user reviews other time recordings.
Users are sorted by alphabetical order under the ‘company’ tab.
Time reviews can now be deleted by admins.
We have enhanced the time reviews tab, now it is possible to list them by months.
Added notification dots for absence and time reviews.
Flextime and vacation balance is visible in terms of days.
Bug fixes
- Fixed an issue that causes duplicate public holidays